Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hello, Jessica again! Hopefully Sean will post more of his beautiful France trip pictures soon. Until then, I thought I would post again. We were planning on making a post about this, but we didn't get a lot of good pictures and we just changed our minds. But I decided that I would bring up this issue, because it is something Sean and I are both passionate about. The issue is Gay Rights. On Saturday, Sean and I went to Cincinnati's Gay Pride Parade to show our support for Gay Rights. 
 Myself, on the Purple People Bridge, wearing a cute pin I got at the parade. It is sticking into my backpack... not my arm... I swear. Just keep scrolling... scrolling, scrolling.
 Sean, looking awesome and proud, as he should. He is an amazing person. He is intelligent, kind, and passionate about what he wants with his life. He hasn't let any of the negativity associated with being gay get to him because he doesn't let being gay define him. It shouldn't define him as person. It is just a part of his life that he lives with. We are greater than the sum of our parts.
The statue of Cincinnatus at Sawyer Point, looking quite dapper in his pridewear.

The parade was a pretty good time, but since we don't live in Ohio, we couldn't sign any of the petitions. That sucked. And we aren't 21, so we couldn't look cool walking around with a beer in our hand. (Kidding) And I am not 18, so I can't vote on any of these issues... YET.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I hope that you don't hate gay people. You should just let them be who they are. Let them marry who they love. Let them walk down the streets--dressing however they want to, holding whoever person's hand they want to, doing whatever they want-- without being judged solely because of their sexual orientation. Seriously people, there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. And if you believe there is, then your reasoning is invalid, because everyone should have equal rights, no matter what.This is 2012, wake up, we live in a changing world, and we should be working toward equality and peace.

I would love to start a discussion in the comments of this post. There is still a lot to be said and done about this issue. 

This post had a lot to do with this video, because I have trouble putting the way I feel into words. You should definitely watch it! And watch the rest of the Vlogbrothers' videos.

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